Rabu, 4 Disember 2013

Chapter 1 : Business Driven Technology

Information Technology Basics

I am going to share some of the information that I gain in my first class of Information Technology in Business. Information Technology is an important enabler of business to success and innovation. First of all, I will introduce to you the Basics of Information Technology. Information Technology is a field concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information.

Next is Management Information Systems (MIS). It is a general name for the business function and academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies and procedures to solve business problems.The systems are a business function just as similar as Marketing, Finance, Operations and Human Resource.

In order to master the Information Technology, you have to understand the data, information and business intelligence as well as the resources and cultures.

Data is the raw facts that describe the characteristics of the event. For example, date, item number , item description and quantity ordered. Information is the data converted into a meaningful and useful context. For example, best-selling item worst-selling item and best customer. Business Intelligence is an application and technologies  that are used to gather, provide access to and analyse data and information to support decision-making efforts. It help the companies to gain more comprehensive knowledge.

Data in Excel Spreadsheet

 Data turned into Information

Information turn into Business Intelligence

IT Resources

All of the resources are important for business to run successfully because if one fails, others will fails too. Means if one fails, it will give the chances to the business to fail.

IT Cultures

It is divided into 4 parts :

1. Information-Functional Culture
Employees use information as a means of exercising influence or power over others. For example,  a manager in sales refuses to share information with marketing. This causes marketing to need the sales manager's input each time a new sales strategy is developed.

2. Information-Sharing Culture
Employees across departments trust each other to use information (especially about problems and failures) to improve performance.

3. Information-Inquiring Culture
Employees across departments search for information to better understand the future and align themselves with current trends and new directions.

4. Information-Discovery Culture
Employees across departments are open to new insights about crisis and radical changes and seek ways to create competitive advantages.

The Challenge : Department Companies

Some of the department are Sales, Finance, Human Resource and Marketing. Although each department has its own focus and data, all departments must work together as a single unit sharing common information and not operate independently for the firm to be a successful as a whole.

The Solution : Management Information System.

System is a collection of parts that link to achieve a common purpose. For examples, a car . If we remove a part of it such as steering wheel or accelerator, it causes the entire systems to stop working.

System Thinking is a way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed to produce outputs while continuously gathering feedback on each part.

Feedback is an information that returns to its original transmitter and modifies the transmitter's actions. It is to helps the system maintain stability. For example, a car's system continuously monitors the fuel level and turns on a warning light if the gas level is too low .

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